Thursday, August 13, 2009

The fan rotates.what most people don't notice is that fans always rotate in a clockwise direction.but then coming to think of it, they also don't notice the shit under their shoes.Its funny how the a one ton AC hums. I thought these heavy ones scream.But it turns out that they hum.Hum.Tum.The fun part about songs is they slow down time.time also slows down in a lecture.Maybe all lecturers were sopranos in their previous birth, or aimed to be one someday but ended up at the wrong end of the rainbow.If P.K.Rhotagi ended up being a soprano, he would be more famous for his facial twitches that his voice, which sounds like a mating frog having a bad stomach day.There is something I am really missing,not sure about it, maybe its sanity. or maybe its just me.


Parth said...

he would be more famous for his facial twitches that his voice
What i *do* notice is that most people end up typing 'that' for 'than' most of the time. :D

Unknown said...

dude...i love you!!im not kidding...never considered people read my blog so intensly that they notice the "that" you, love a very non-gay perfectly straight kind of way.

Parth said...

Whatever a genius says is to be listened with rapt attention. So its no wonder. ;)