Monday, December 20, 2010

I need to get a life. And soup. Soon. Maybe Lanba was right. Maybe I'm at times a  retard who's more concerned with caring about how random people would react to me shouting BURP at their faces than sorting out what I really need to do. The irony of the whole thing is Lanba never said it in the first place. He did tell me to get a life, but he's been doing that for years now. I hope his preserverence pays. At least for my sake. My own, freaking sake. Does that make selfish? I don't know. Retarded? Maybe. Right now , I need to finish making that video. I need ideas, and very clearly, I'm not helping myself. Until I do get a brainwave, which better be soon, "ahoy,( I sooo want to spell out "good bye" in Spanish, but I forgot.)''.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The south asian band festival.

Apparently there is a rock band in Nepal. And they can play too. Some music. But I still don't get the rock part. And the old grandpa singing is so unnerving. His moves are disturbing. And totally out of sync with any remote trace of music. i'm afraid he'll end up impaling his spine in his own rib cage. He keeps shreiking out "and the next number is?..."....I guess the demented old man is hallucinating that he is in line for a liver transplant. Very cold gig. And all the momo makers seem to love it. Pretty sure delhi is having a momo-drought tonight. I have a cold, dry cough and I still manage to shreik better than him. The guitar is good, but the old man is killing that too. Finally, after a little more eons of incomprehensible music that was aping bollywood in the worst possible way and tagging itself rock, the anchor decides that maybe its time the majority of the crowd got back to making momos. Finally, the grandpa's band were gone for food, sorry; good, Thermal and A Quarter (and KANDISA, kailash kher's band)waiting to get and stage and the smell of momos back in the delhi airspace. What an evening.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Momentary insomnia. Ironic I came up with that word in a book shop. Book shops have started to get depressing. Directly proportional to the size of the indian fiction shelf. If its fiction, why categorise it indian and if non-fiction, why rub into my face my own life!. Sadness. We Indians are weird. We talk about liberty and yet every minor moral scratch hurts our supermassive egos. We dictate claims of free speech and then put a moral cap on it. As if we don't notice the inherent absurdity, but very comfortable ignore it. For eg, a 21 year old, I repeat, a 21 year old mallu I knew, who started this amity mallu(read:malayalee) forum on facebook got offended when a bunch of people, in the chat room, started fooling around with humour that incedentally concerned the conversation with porn and sex. Now, when was the last time a sex joke got anybody pregnant? I haven't heard of any. And on moral grounds, assuming that it should be even considered a case on those grounds, what gives you the right to dictate the morality or immorality of an event that you weren't even a party in? Tradition, culture, stuff set in by people long dead. In a country that still boasts of the freakishly growing population count. Funny. Guess being down with sickness makes me too critical. Supercritical. Anyway, blahs and blahs and blahs. Back to the bookstore. A bunch of girls, probably 2nd year college, look at a shelf and comment : " I have read mostly all of these. Now I want something more fm them". Mills and Boons section. Something more? Hmmm. Porn? Guess thats why most guys go directly for porn without all those erotic litreary foreplay. We'll just have a pint of "more", neat, 3 ice cubes maybe. Hmmm. Sickness is so drastic. Especially when your nose has gone on a leave. The world moves a lot slower. Wondering how smell is responsible for that. Being fart immune slows down time. Maybe thats what E=mc2 actually meant.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I have a cold. And a grandiose temporal mis-approximation about all cerebral outrages. I have been wanting to write a full on non-sense line and I just did. Good for me. I love certain words for no reason. Like "capiche". But before I knew it as "capiche" was spelled c-a-p-i-c-h-e, I loved it in amar chitra katha, as "kapish". The long tail did freak me out. But then x-men came and then on, mutation was the in-thing. The cold is making me feel dry. dead dry. dry like the jokes that shwetank, julie(90%) and every other AITTM(Amity Institute of Telecom and Timepass Management) guy cracks. Mom says my hair looks weird and so I need to oil my hair once in a while, not because my hair needs it, but because south indians are supposed to do it. The last time Reliance found oil anywhere near my hair was before the winter of my 1st year college. One particular incident made me give up on it totally. Oil, freezes in winter. So one fine morning, my brain at its best possible wtf-ness, decided to exclude every other activity in the universe and singularly focus on the activity I was carrying out and catalog it the way 12th std chemistry labs are cataloged.
  • EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP : a parachute bottle, a pair of hands, head with hair ( rest of the body, if possible)
  • PROCEDURE: hold parachute bottle in one hand and shake, coax white stuff to come out.              
  • INFERENCE: pervert!!!                                                                                                               
    I wasn't a big fan of chemistry ever, so this was it. I love the irony though. I say I have a cold and at that, even the cold ones act concerned. act, but concerned. Nice. Nice(the nICE, actually) reminds me, family doctors crack the worst possible jokes. I say I have a cold and he says "well, that's good. Ask your mom to switch off the refrigerator, save electricity." Its easy for me to figure out which jokes are the worst ones. They all would probably sound like something an AITTM guy would say and keep repeating it until you fake a laughter. so, the sailor says
    " ahoy, in the seas, a thousand bouys,
      alone, under vast seagull skies,
      a kiddo, writing horrible blogging lines,
      in the pangs of cold, he dreams of day the pain flies away."

    N.B: DONOT try to make sense of the sailor's song. all sailor songs are cursed with a "you think you're too fu*king smart, try this" curse. call it a night. sleep sweet.

    ** is it a pair of hands...or a pair of hand......or is it just me?. a friend of mine would expertly say in the most philosophical tone, WHATEVER!

    Tuesday, November 30, 2010

    Train journeys are fun and interesting. In priyadarshan movies. Only. Period. And in reality, they rank 3rd in the list of crimes against man, number 1 being hitler, stalin, mao and the 2 world wars combined and number 2 being rakhi sawant. Rakhi sawant is god's way of telling man he needs to get his shit right real soon. Anyway, screw rakhi sawant. Train journeys can be a real pain. On a mathematical scale, the amount of distress could be quantified by:
    Degree of shitness = [ { time of journey x no. of hours the same destination can be reached by an alternate faster means of transport} + { degree of crapiness of food on a scale of 1 to 10} + { sum of noisy neighboring passengers yapping in a language you do not understand* } + { crazy fucking bhopalis who alternate between shouting "aayi baiyya" and "ore, ravi kishen ki gaana chalayenge hum" every 5 minutes}]
    * - irritating kids count.

    And all of this shit is happening in 3rd AC. So going my the formula, my journey was at shitness level of 28 x 2.5 + 7 + 15 +2 = 94. If that was my graduation percentage, that would have been happy news. The grand freaking Indian Railway circus! And theres an actual place called "madira" in Andra Pradesh. Wonder what they sell there. Sounds like a holy place from the ring of it. Hope atleast the time I end up spending at chennai is good. That reminds me, when via train, there is a simple heuristics to determine if you have reached home when home sweet home is "singara chennai".: " Feels good. Smells bad. " And to add to it all, my watch strap snapped. Didn't think wrestling with myself in sleep would cause damage to property. What sadness! I feel kind of naked not wearing a watch. I know it sounds weird but screw you.

    And as thiruvalluvar said 300 years ago ( give or take 2000, preferably take) :
    "Because when I arrive I-I'll bring the fire
    Make you come alive I can take you higher
    What this is forgot? I must now remind you
    Let it rock, let it rock, let it rock".
     If you are wondering where this came from, this was actually written by thiruvalluvar, but mostly all copies were burnt by the secret cult of the "lame guy with dark specs on a wheelchair , chief minister and evil overlord, for all eternity" because this was in english and not the only language the guy on wheelies understood!. good day, people! All hail the revolucion!

    ** im starting to think i am a dork because I logged in and re-dited this page just because it left out the outermost brackets in the formula up above, cause in the first draft, they didn't confirm to BODMAS rule!!!

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Seagulls and afternoons.

    Seagulls. Flapping calmly over never ending waves. Through the vastness of the skies above and the sea below, they fly on, so seemingly sure of their path. Instinct, faith; call it what you will, but as long as they reach their destination, nothing matters. Seagulls. I don't remember seeing one up and close. But I like the tone of the word. Strange. Maybe this is what dull weather can do to a person. Its a strange disconnect that fills you when 2.00 pm in the afternoon looks and feels like 8.00 pm in the night. It actually feels much worse, but 8 is a good approximation.

    Sunday, November 7, 2010


    Too long since I have written anything pointless. Been doing it all through long, but haven't written in a while. No. Read a very good series recently. The gameworld trilogy, the 1st two parts. Good writing in a long while, especially one that didn't throw in the whole Cambridge lingo to appear Indian. I too shall write. I shall call it the KTFC chronicles. Kill The Fool Chronicles. Can't divulge much details coz the talks are going on. With myself. So that's that. And. I love making up sentences that start with a full-stop and end with one. With only a preposition or conjunction in between them. Or a verb. Funny. That one. Or a phrase too. But writing is wonderful. Just when you think there's a lot off stuff going on in your head,you sit to write and realize your head is just a blank vacuum. Hmmm. Anyway. This post needs editing later. Lots of. I think I have made a mark. But something tells me 1/100 doesn't really count. Now that kills all the fun.

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    15 times you get a feeling its just an excuse for a city. Definitely not the best place on the planet. Also not the worst. But there is something of an old world charm in a city that is over 400 years old. And honestly, I haven't got all of it through yet. So I'll just stick to what I felt. I spent half of my schooling here. Memorable times.That's coz I don't remember the other half, was too small a kid then. Chennai ain't a bad city, it has it charms. But when you are someone who used to love the city years ago, its a sad feeling.The city is going nowhere. Freaky traffic, highway roads that are as cramped as one way lanes, people who respond to honking like they are deaf...and love to walk in the very midst of traffic. If I was a first timer, I would hate the city, from the deepest recess of my soul. But something about the city, something great and sweet, hangs on. For starters, you don't need a reason to celebrate here. Everyday, every sunrise, every step, is a celebration in continuum. And the hustle bustle of the city, ridiculous,amazing and weirdly beautiful. Somethings which would irritate you to death at some other place, becomes a matter of everyday passing here. Love it, hate it, the city goes on, a celebration that started 400 years ago still bustling on in all its glory.

    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    I think today I shall write. but before that, there's a whole lot of other very important things to do.brush.bath.pee.poo.pom.(pom: rhymes with pee & poo). So as I was saying, I shall write. or gloat. or maybe float. or eat a goat. I have an obsessive affection for rhymes. Its is getting in my way. I need to get over it. pit. I like grapes. They are the fruits of hope. With an apple or an orange, you are stuck with it if its not good. But with grapes, there are so many of them, there's always a second chance. 90% of the time I investigate a smell, the answers are always bad. The other 10%, its just me hallucinating about the food. I got some pajamas today. With pockets, which is great Before this, I had to hold stuff  when I was sleeping.!! A Frisbee is the only object you can throw at a random person, and it is OK. beautiful invention!!! There are AA batteries, but no B or BB batteries. Maybe it was to avoid people from stuttering, else the conversation would go this way:
    man (at a store): can I have BB Batteries.
    store guy: yeah. what size?
    man: i said BB Batteries.
    store guy: I know. W-H-A-T SIZE?!!!!!
    and D batteries. that would be tough for the Chinese and Indians. One of my friend stutters. Some think its bad, but I don't think so. Every word he speaks... has suspense.  The problem with having fat friends when I was a kid was, every see-saw was a catapult. I learned ballistics instead of oscillations!!!

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    Wednesday, April 21, 2010

    Today I made a huge discovery. But I decide to remain silent about it least I give Edison inferiority complex in his grave. I love probability. they have questions like: find the probability that at least one bomb strikes a gupta ? Ans: 1.  Prateek starred in a movie called : R&AC, beer and dhoka. The plot is usual, R &AC exam comes up, prateek says he needs to study for it and 4 days later, he's caught having beer at Geoffrey's. Fat pahadi liar!!!!!(for the geeks, R&AC stands for Rat's Ass Crap..the "&" is just in there to make it look all sophisticated and complex)...The gupta battalion hates me,seems I'm giving them free publicity. What a bunch of morons, they are already 70% of the public!!!!....for baniyas, they do suck at mathematics!!!!!.....I'm a mallu who did half of his schooling in anna-land!!! can't get any better near the times,"what is are you doing" sounds like a legitimate sentence(courtesy my 7th grade maths teacher.....and yes, she had a proper south indian name: samrajyalaxmi!!!!)............and of course, I do have those friends who go "ada paavi!!!" (* tamil for :oh my god, its said that the anna ancients used to say this to scare away humans!!!) at the mention of words like beer, puff, pint, whiskey, sex, girlfriend and life....there's a general feeling that southies are marginalized in N.India...well, if you walk around in lungi(I knew one who went modern and dressed in red shirts,yellow pants and freaky dev anand styled caps....didn't help either), acting like rajnikanth and talking like vijaykanth(nokidding, check this out:, accusing people here of giving you weird looks, you shouldn't be surprised. I had a friend with a dark secret in school. Like all "baiys" in my school, excluding the guys in a group who had the title conferred "the rascal fellow" by the principal on each of them(the only resemblance I have with one of those rascals, with the same name as me, is when I stare in the mirror, everything else is fictitious...parallel universes..and mirrors are cheap liars u see,...even the magic mirror cheated the witch queen(sweet monica bellucci)....:-(..!!!) he had a patch of vibuthi ( ash.....all kids were great fans of Lord shiva)...but the truth was.....IT WAS FAIR & LOVELY!!!!!...that rat bastard used it as a back up during the lunch break beautification...and he actually thought it was a million dollar idea and pledged a whole string of "mother promise" and "god promise" when I found it out. ( for the nosy ones , his name was Suresh and the only thing darker than him him was him on a no moon night with no stars.). Yes, it's my semester exam time and yes, I'm bored!!!!

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    May the force be with you. and with me. and so be all the crap. People are subject to trouble in various sizes and shapes and designations. Weird faculties, old-hag HODs and fat ass lab assistants. Life is determined by a variety of variables, download speeds, manga updates and torrent availability. In college, some people have very good academics...the rest have a life and great friends. The Queen of England is married to the King of England....queer people....if you are already the Queen, marry another country's prince..!!!. Sex is over-rated. So say those who have had it. Hypocritical Bastards!!!. Certain people in college have 100% 4th year, they are like the crew on Davy Jone's Dutchman...a part of the scribbled walls, defunct ACs and broken chairs. The pigeons poop on them and nobody notices!!!. Of course there are certain limitations in college life. And of course, they are all fictional. Life Daffy Duck...a flurry of quacky rules. Everybody likes a joke once in a while. All the remaining while, its just the joker at a high probability of skull injury. Its important to look at the bigger picture. Everybody should look at the bigger picture. That way, you get to be irresponsible for the smaller parts and still have a justification for it. Of course, you were looking at the bigger picture!!!. Who invented the word "apple" ? In a lecture, a long restrained need to piss can be a huge driving force :
    - it keeps you awake...the only time you look forward to going to the washroom.
    - the act is more relieving than a lecture in progress.
    - you feel good after a good piss, but feel pissed after a lecture.
    Now, a mathematical problem:
    A and B live 158 kms apart. A can walk at 3.7 kmph and B can walk at 2.2 kmph...assuming both decide to walk towards each other, find,
    - what the hell is wrong with A and B ?
    1- both are crazy.
    2- you are crazy coz you came up with all that.
    3- both 1 and 2
    4- I am hungry. I need food.

    Monday, March 1, 2010

    The duct tape blog started as a blog about the story of the duct-tape and has come to cover various topics, like "staring at white walls to kill boredom", "studying the motion of imaginary flies", " engg" to "nothing". Everybody loves to dabble in philosophy.Doesn't make a difference if its self made or the highly prevalent "Ctrl+c" and "Ctrl+v" types. Google Buzz is still a no brain can't comprehend what it is trying to achieve. Emoticons are over-rated.....they make your fingers do circus stances on the keyboard, and I can't ever seem to remember them. Its equivalent to manually remembering to laugh at a joke than spontaneously laughing at it. It must be taken into consideration that the English language was funny even before the emoticons "lol"ed their way into the language. (of course most of the jokes were English jokes and there were more chances of a partridge pooping on ur head twice in succession than an Englishman understanding their own jokes. Eg.:
    englishman 1: I saw thies indean maun with aa twiech on his faace. The faace snotted averytaime he lau-oghed. aet was saw fanny I haed to haold my paaants fram fallin doon.(which translated into meaningful english means:I saw this indian man with a twitch on his face. the face snorted everytime he laughed. it was so funny I had to hold my pants from falling down).
    englishman 2: hahahahahaaa. you aere a fanny maun.(19th century "lol"ing. you are a funny man). (yes, they were racists)
    GOD(highabove) : what the fuck!!!!! twany pieces of twit poodles!!!!!
    the author: end of joke. start "lol" ing or "rofl"ing ur ass off.

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    men make and un-make themselves, but the cake still needs to be baked and coffee is good anytime of the day!!...........ya, I know, don't ask why!!Its called mechanical engg.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Very little is known about Mr. satpathy ( the guy who teaches *ahem-ahem* for 4th year mechanical engg.) other than that his name rhymes with aggarbathi and he is of the male bong species, where male is actually ,in most cases, an exaggeration. There are a few male like sanyal but then he can beat the shit out of actual males so fast that the victim would hope they were of the opp sex. And we aren't talking about the sayal type bongs. (Hope now sanyal is not offended about me blabbering about the bongs.). And then, very little number of people care to know more than a little about satpathy. The sad fate of mech faculties. If somebody had asked him " what is your favorite part about teaching?", I'm pretty sure that at the mention of the word "favorite", a subconscious trigger would have already splashed images of gulab jamun/rosgollas in his head that it would have drowned out the remaining part of the question, even though nobody would have any idea as to what the question was about. An average class in a standard mechanical 4th year section is made of the following components :
    - two/ five bollywood songs sung in the class which initiates a whole plethora of animal laughter. Any normal/sane time and these songs would have been unbearable, but faculties do have a gift of making even the most mundane gutter shit appear extremely good.
    - a bunch of random expletives hurled at nobody, but which the faculty assumes to be directed at him, making him vulnerable to a whole lot of abuses that would make the 1st few appear like they were religious verses from the vedas.
    - a set of games that is played at the last few pages of the notebook. The faster the guy who won the local class Olympics in these, the better for him to be all the more less discrete about it.
    -some stupid comment by the faculty aimed at silencing the students, but instead ends up shoving the faculties’ foot down his mouth.
    - a blackmail / ransom game with the attendance by the faculties aimed at the student, only to make the faculty realize that certain vocabulary have expanded a lot while since their college days.
    - the final roll call at the end of the class, the only time in the class when faculties are allowed to assert their importance. After all, if every dog can have its day, then once in a while, every faculty should be allowed his minute!!

    N.B: I just got away with writing “all the more less” above!!! and you thought there was nothing wrong with it.

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    Today, I realized I can't make coffee or cook for fuck!! But then, I'm 21, 4th year of college and fuck still is only a verbal usage. wtf, anyway!. Mirrors are fascinating objects, you look at a mirror and it shows you, back. You see yourself in a mirror, so staring at a mirror would only mean staring at yourself. So either all the people in the world are insane or I'm missing some huge logically important thing in that equation. I want to type "anyway" again, but then maybe not. Most of my friends have two/ three classes of friends- friends, good friends and best friends. That is simply racist. I mean, what are they planning, a warcraft campaign? So the best friend, level 23, beats the crap out of the darkspawn lords , good friends level 13 fight necromancers while I, a friend at level 7 only cause an itch on the horde captain's armor, to get killed 3 seconds later. And respawned again, only to die again. The vicious cycle continues. Now everybody has had their grandmothers tell out the mythologies said out to them, really interesting creepy stuff when you are a kid. All the demons lurking under the bed in the dark came into existence, courtesy Grandmother. But the tales are lost in the growing up years, and by 21, they are just fragments of a tale long ago heard.( yes, the people who had no such good story telling grandmothers have my sympathies, they are one of the best childhood memories.) So by the time you grow up, you have no idea about the difference between the vedas or the puranas. That is because these grandmothers forget to say the seemingly minor, but very important details. I recently read Ramayan Reloaded by Virgin Comics.If I had any idea the heroines in these tales were so hot, I would have gone to the temple everyday. It would have taken my spirituality to a whole new reloaded level. Also explains why Ravan did the things we then assumed to be stupid. Ravan wasn't stupid. The guy just couldn't keep his hormones in check. All he needed was a rehab. One of these days, I'm sure the VHP( Very Hypo-critic People) and RSS(Rightly Simply Stupid) are going to find me , and they are not going to love me. If any advanced technology costs more than a million dollars, Tony Stark can make it in a cave with a bunch of scrap. A lot of people I have seen have a limited English vocabulary. They do use the fancy words like " Its a good day" and " I think I should shut up" once in a while, but mostly, their vocab consists of " like", "but", "damn" and "fuck". They even get away with sentences like"like blah blah but damn fuck!". Going by frequency, if "fuck" had appeared in all religious text, every man on earth would be blessed. A million times over.
    Everyone deserves respect. And every once in a while, emotions and words like "fuck you" too gain more respect than the people right in front of you. An ape chewing a pencil stub looks more intelligent than a brahmin eating/talking. I don't intend to offend brahmins, I'm just making a point. There are the occasional exceptions though. And I would like to meet one. Cause for one, monkeys cannot eat infinite amount of sweets. Even gujjus and bongs can't.I once knew a brahmin. He used to but bags for 3000 Rs,a pair of shoe for 8000Rs and then try convincing us that he was as stingy as a miser or else he would be a broke. I still know him. But he won't be too happy about it now, after reading this blog. And his name is not spelled Danish. And we do not call him BABA. We love him. I lie a lot. Especially the last 4 lines. Some people will have you convinced technology is spelled "tachy-no-laogy". I can't even spell "laogy". Can't even think how its spelt. Guess you have to be really special. really wierd. These are the very same people who think a white helmet, yellow T-shirt, pink pant and red shoes are a sexy-killer combination. Definitely killer but I'm not so sure about the sexy part. There are 75 guys in my class. And 15 can actually think simultaneously. Must be a new record for 4th year Mechanical Engg.The reason why most faculties are bald are because while they learned the stuff they teach, most of it just flew by over head grazing real close. Its the same effect as wind blowing over a rock for years or walking on a grassy patch. Erosion is a natural phenomenon. Also explains why they teach like even they aren't so sure of it.
    This must be the longest blog I have written. The short end of a Parker is heavier than the long end of the Parker. That is what makes Parker heavier. That was "The Parker Theorem". I was thinking of a social experiment. Let us make up an English word - "pichikaon". Spelt "pee-chi-kao-uun". Now try to fit it in as suffix and prefix of random lines in every conversation. And see how normal it sounds. I mean in Hindi, they use "behen-ke-l**e"("**" are permutations of the alphabets "o" & "d". Its complex math. Try using calculus.) all the time. Sometimes its a prefix, sometimes its a suffix. Sometimes an emotion. It could be the beginning and end of a sentence, and everything in between them. And that is considered acceptable and normal. And the word actually doesn't make any sense. So next time, try saying - "oh, Pichikaon, I'm screwed!" or "Pichikaon, stop annoying me." See what happens. I have a Salman khan clone in my class. At least that is what he thinks he is. He was cloned by the African apes and programmed by the Amazon fleas. He is very smart. Even the Einsteins of the flea world don't stand a chance against him. He was cloned so that the apes and fleas could have one of their creations study at Benaras Hindu University for MBA and work alongside humans. Just to prove who's the daddy in the evolutionary scale. But BHU? For an MBA. Hmmm.
    I have an algorithm to convince a person he is stupid/fool. It is as follows"
    Step 1: Make a sweeping generalization on our mundane existence, a philosophical eulogy on how life makes us look stupid/fools and how we fall to it.

    Step 2: Narrate a personal experience of how you outwitted fate, like an escape from a near fatal accident or how your DNA resisted the mutation effect from a mutated spider bite. Or how you drink human blood on full moon nights and remain ever youthful and immortal. Something that convinces the other guy you are marginally smarter.

    Step 3: From step 1 and step 2 , you just proved the person is a fool.

    Step 4: If step 3 doesn't work, repeat step 1 & step 2 till the other party gets tired of it. Or knocks you down unconscious. Everybody gives in after certain point of time.

    And at the end of it, welcome to the start of the end. Hope you have a good day. But then hope can a real bitch!!.

    Sunday, January 24, 2010

    Its been a long break. Like somebody actually cared. Its easy to fool other people. Making a fool of yourself, now thats difficult. The good thing about bright days are they are bright. Oh yeah, I know you're smart and you already guessed that. Good for you. "Incident light". Thats poetry in two words. "You and me". Thats in three words. "Fuck you". Thats an epic novel in itself!!. Oh, the wonders of words. Alphabets should be the 1st wonder of the world, the remaining 7 can follow after that. Of course, they all follow me. I am there, right at the top. All wonderful, brilliant, magnanimous, basking the world with my ignorance and sheer stupidity. And in times of strife and wars such as these, I am pretty sure the world would be a much better place worshiping a god who is more a fool than a god who can reason and holds too many bitter prejudices.

    N.B: personal opinion only. RSS chill. Plz.

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    Tomorrow is a filthy religion. Everybody hates it but end up kneeing to it anyway!