Saturday, December 12, 2009

Talent is,in absolution, completely relative.With every going day, I care all the more less about my grammar and structure. One could bask in all the glory of being considered good by the few people around you, but only to be thrown into the deepest abyss of self criticism caused by spending unknown hours on the internet hunting everything random under the sun , only to find across hundreds of brilliant and beautiful people out there being much better at what you thought was your cup of tea. Just goes to prove that life could have been much more simpler without the internet, or even a bad bandwidth...the antique dial-up of post gone India could have been good enough. Life can be a bitch to optimistic people. Living all their life believing to be good only to be convinced, on the last day of their lives that they weren't any more better than the man down the street, whom you thought to be a smart ass. It doesn't matter if you are a smart-ass, at the end of the day, you are still an ass. Pessimistic people die happy. To them, the feeling of meeting death is just similar to a 5 year old kid who just got handed his long awaited present. They wait for death all their lives, it must surely be the most awaited moment of their lives. "Har ass b-aas martha hai" is a great hindi line(baas is a hindi word meaning baas).
Everybody, at one point says "everydog has its day", but nobody seems to know how many days the dog might actually end up having. And some actually try so hard that you are absolutely convinced that the dogs are now just trying to stretch the limits. Also, its good when the dog has its day, but it is an absolute pain in the ass when the dog has its day everyday. Then the dog, and the person being the dog, are just being a smart-ass.


Parth said...

your "linearest" post. Life is spoiling you i think..
"Pessimistic people die happy."
If you were serious in saying this, then i want to say NO. Pessimists like living to see the optimistic and hard working people fail and lose confidence. Life is as sacred to them as the optimistic ones.

Unknown said...

U seem to have missed my point, I wasn't being sarcastic or judgemental on people who strictly defined themselves as perpetually optimistic or pessimistic. I was just selling an extra shot in the arm to the pessimists, coz at the end of the day, if its sour, they are the ones who were well prepared for it. Personally, I think the minute one strictly classifies himself into one particular mould, he has already lost a huge wonderland of viewpoints that the other side have access to. Life isn't about being stable and fitting into a mould, its about evolving and restructuring in our own terms what life opens up for us.......and on a passing note, I just bored myself to death writing this, prefer being the happy fool anytime time rather than give such a rigid philosophical viewpoint.

Parth said...

coz at the end of the day, if its sour, they are the ones who were well prepared for it
And they will get pissed off at success.. :D