Planet GAY-TIA, as viewed from earth @courtesy: mad-eye thanks.
The flower shop. Memphis's lair.Madness. Holy fuck what am I doing here?.%$(%%(GHGK)*(&^&%%. This was the initial rush of excitement.which would kill me a few seconds later. Then reality, we were in a flower shop.Don't ask why. Me and Lanba just went.And the 1st lines were the very 1st words that came in my head.Like Armstrong's "One small step...", I went, "Oh, God! Fuck No."... And then .... doom.The scent.I had to warp out of there.5 minutes.Now time,the mean little SOB that he is, becomes concocted in a flower shop, because, there, you are at negative lightspeed relative to whatever shit the physics part of your brain is thinking right now( if you're trying to find a chink in my negative lightspeed theory, give up, you might be smart but I can think real stupid real fast). SO the 5 minutes are five lifetimes. or more. In my version of heaven, I don't want a lot flowers. Just a little, very far away,very very far far far away...pleasing to the eye, a faint smell in the air, thats it. Today I totally chocked at the flower shop. And we were stinking of flowers even after walking out. It was a massacre. Think the place was called planet gay-tia, a.k.a flowers&ferns. They had WMDs in all shapes and sizes and colors. Some of the flowers came straight out of a star wars prop set. anyway, here's a photo tour .
Picture above: WMDs of all shapes and sizes.
The truth about the flower shop.The initial raw materials look like these above.
They are dried human remains.the green is because the human who had got killed had eaten too much lettuce and spinach. red part is fresh blood. added for flavour and color.
Now at the shop they very nearly convinced us these were flowers, but we overcame their guileful intoxication and realized they were just weeds who had passed out from a good grooming prep school...and a few on the left look like chicken rolls wrapped to their heads...or veg rolls.thats not the point. whom are they fooling?
When I said them these were princess Leia's fav, the shopkeeper nodded as if he knew it.That let the cat out of the bag. I knew it from the very 1st instant I saw that these came straight out of the star-wars universe. They are planning to take over the earth!!!what's next, the Death-star flower???
A gay man exploring his gayness.
Flowers showing the middle finger to humanity.But then,I might be wrong.It might be a "show your wankers" show going on.
Now unlike humans, flowers have no sense of public behavior or shame. Seen above, some of the flowers piss in public and some bathe in it. as shown.
A close up of the piss-pic.Just to prove I wasn't lying.
Another gay man, but unlike the 1st, instead of his own, he was exploring the gayness of the 1st man. Hence the absence of too much details in the pic.The photographer was ashamed. and chocking on the flowers.wishing he could puke on them.
another flower taking a piss in the open.shamelessly.
too many flowers and simply too much flower-piss. but maybe all the piss had finally done it. This space of air was stink -neutral.At least to humans.
another wanker show off in progress. Think its a cultural festival of the flowers going on. Hoped to know which human was gifting those wankers to whom, but the shop said the info was privy!!.
Or maybe my problem with the flowers was they were too perfect. For maintaining the scent and feel, they do something to make it look fresh and perfect all day long. Now that is something men can't accept. For men, only their dream girls and dream cars are supposed to be perfect. anything and everything else has to be a notch below. Perfection is a delusional fantasy we willingly keep unreal. Its a word that men came up with to make every woman feel a little bad on the inside. And thus every man a little happy.Ooops. Secret out. So, anyway, perfect flowers = bogus!!
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