Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A peek into Captain-2D..THE ORIGINS

Today is the day that history will remember the day Captain-2D was born, but considering the fact that he is a Gu****pta(*-censoring gimmick to prevent hurting sentiments,now you geniuses did figure that out,didn't you...suckers), "being born" is an oxymoron.To say the truth, he just popped ot today.----!@POP#$...there he is;POP..he's gone.And no, the Captain can't fly, or teleport(or think and solve maths for that matter,but;whatever) or tear apart missiles(but yes, he can bend spoons at buffets)...he is just visible from 2 dimensions..view him from the side and you see,suprise!!!...nothing.just like vanishing into thin air, he ain't there no more.and thats enough patronising for today.

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